We are honored and amazed to have won five awards at the 2017 American Ad Federation Awards show this past Saturday. We had a spectacular evening. Our congratulations to all the other winners including our pals at The Digital Ring, and Blend. This [...]
Two weeks ago I passed my unmanned aircraft systems test. This is part of the new Part 107 regulations from the FAA for commercial use of drones and sUASs. I've received my remote airman's certificate so we are ready to fly commercially!
One Sunday evening I opened my email, hoping for something amazing. At first I was annoyed to have received another spam email but as soon as I actually opened it my annoyance turned to joy. This email was so horrendous that it actually came back [...]
The above video was created for Electronic Theatre Controls to help announce a new product, the Source4 LED, to the people who would use it. It was great shooting in the overture center with free rein over the Capitol theatre. It is such a [...]
This year we joined with the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association to create a series of videos. These videos portray what it means to be a badger in order to reengage with alumni. We spent six days with a cast and crew of around 20-30 people [...]
I'm pretty sure I'll never get bored with the experiences and opportunities that working in video production brings our way. Recently, we've been fortunate enough to begin working on live productions projects. This means 2-5 cameras being [...]
Every year thousands of video geeks and retailers gather in Las Vegas. The geeks (us) are searching for ways to improve the way we work, and the retailers (they) think they have it. This is year I'm putting money on Blackmagic Design. Just this [...]
and lots and lots have been going on. Since our last post in November we have:
Started filming a feature
This is a full feature length film, little less than an hour and a half long! It's called 'The Princess Knight' and is written/directed by [...]