In 2003, Shia LaBeouf landed himself in a desert juvenile detention center for stealing some sneakers. (Holes) Nine years later, the law is after him again for bootlegging. (Lawless) Has he learned nothing?
Our previous website served a purpose, may it rest in peace, but we are very happy to move on. Being a web developer I foolishly thought I would have time to develop our website WHILE running a business. It was difficult, and the thing that always [...]
Update: The video is now on their website! Neat.
We've had a few people ask if we created this video. The short answer is "Yes!"
Ryan posted this on his blog and we wanted to share:
Just a friendly reminder for the day. March is proving to be a month of dangerous ideas!
The New Year and the new developments on the horizon for Backflip Films inspired me to dig through some of our old logo designs this afternoon. I suppose the nostalgia that I feel won't be shared by those of you that haven't known our company as [...]
Now that you're back home from the stores tending to your wounds, here is our own spin on the Black Friday sale!
Students, staff, and parents share the aspects of Assumption High School that make it "the place to be!"