Backflip Blog

Cupcakery is fun

Written by Ryan Freng | 3/26/12 3:00 PM

Ryan posted this on his blog and we wanted to share:

My daughters were in a photo shoot put on by Three Cheers Creative. John’s (Backflip Films partner) son Rowan was also in the shoot. Being filmmakers, we decided to bring our video equipment along and shoot the shoot. The cupcakery was very tight, especially when you add 9 adults and 5 kids into the entrance, so filming was interesting. We ended up with enough good footage to put together a short video.

Special thanks to Chris Ballew aka Caspar Babypants for letting us use his song ‘Ramshackle’ to provide the perfect ambiance for the piece. Best kid music ever:

Backflip Films' second generation (Ryan's daughters and John's son) were in a photoshoot for Three Cheers Creative. We couldn't pass up the opportunity so we brought our camera along and filmed it. We ended up with just enough footage to fit into a short video.