Backflip Blog

New Mac Pro, Finally! Apple shows love for video producers.

Written by Ryan Freng | 6/10/13 8:21 PM

After waiting FOREVER, Apple has finally updated it's Mac Pro line of desktop computers! The design harkens to that of a small trash can but the features do not disappoint:

  • PCI Express-based flash storage
  • Thunderbolt 2
  • Intel Xeon 5 processors, up to 12 cores
  • Four Channel DDR3 1866MHZ memory
  • Dual GPUs, AMD FirePro, up to 6GB dedicated VRAM
  • Support for 4K video in edit, and power three 4k displays!?!?!?!

It's about time! Now we'll have to see the price point for a decent build before we drool completely. If it's twice as expensive as a custom PC then we'll have to decide how much the apple design is worth!

Read more about the specs on the apple website.