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How I work: Scott Pfeil, Business Director

Written by Scott Pfeil | 2/16/18 11:00 PM

Position: Partner / Business Director
One word that best describes how you work: 
Current mobile device: 
iPhone 7+
Current computer: Cheap windows operating system laptop of unknown brand, it works so I don’t care : )

What apps, software, or tools can’t you live without?

Hodl “Hold on for Dear Life” for crypto, iphone stock app and now a fresh sweet addition is Robinhood for taxable stock trading (zero commissions plus a powerfully intuitive phone app). Onyx for hunting/hiking gps map, Clash Royale my fav current phone game….oops is this work related tools? Gmail, google drive rocks, Insightly/Hubspot for CRM, Banking apps to deposit checks without running to the bank, Basecamp for projects, Harvest for time management/invoicing, and I have immensely enjoyed my recent migration from a glitchy, small iphone 5 to the 7+ which makes all the above soooo much easier.  I can be productive everywhere!

What’s your workspace setup like?

Like a den that’s just missing a mount and a fireplace…..perhaps someday!

What’s your best time-saving shortcut or life hack?

In Mario 3 if you …...oh, just play with me sometime and I’ll show you!

What’s your favorite to-do list manager?

Franklin Planner

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without and why?

Stapler, gets the job done for proposals without all the fuss of those clear cover things that just get in the way of writing notes.

Do you find yourself always working on something? Or when you finish a project, do you take time to let your mind wander without concern for what’s next?

I’m usually working/advancing/thinking about multiple things and banging them out one by one or in steps on the bigger projects.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else?

I can shave with both hands.  Left hand, left side. Right hand, right side.  For most of my life I assumed everyone did it like that  cause it works well….at least if your ambidextrous. And then some gentlemen in a locker room noticed how I did that and asked me about it - so I took notice of how others were shaving after that and...another blindspot gone.

What do you listen to while you work?


What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading a sci-fi for fun, the Bible daily readings for the spiritual side, and am excited to start a book my partner John found related to management at creative companies (Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration. A book about the Pixar journey)

How do you recharge? Do you play video games? Board games? Hiking? Skydiving? Etc.

I love to recharge by vacationing with my wife and/or brothers.  And potentially do things like sleep out on a mountain near Tuscon, Az without a shelter on a whim (yeah, I did that).  On a daily basis, Clash Royale, reading or my investment hobby.

What’s your sleep routine like?

I sleep like a baby - I wake up crying every 3 hours.  What a misnomer.  Sleep like a baby, geesh.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“Do or Do Not, there is no try!”  (Yoda) OR “Never trump your partner’s ace” (Many Pfeils) OR “Believe in God, you want the ending to work out!”  Uncle Bill.  Speaking of ending…..I’ll quit, but can I please do a blog on meaningful quotes?  I’ve had so many influential people in my life that say the darndest things that are just so right, I want to share more!

Editor's note: heck yes, great blog idea!

See more HOW I WORK posts.